Friday, September 23, 2011

review week 6

What is the pen tool used for?
To create countless lines,curves and shapes,and serve as the block for illustration and design.
How can you manipulate a path/line in Illustrator? Discuss the use of the white arrow tool, pen+, pen-, and convert too. 
This tool is used by creating anchor points and then by connecting those points with lines which can be connoted further by creating shapes. The pen + tool adds anchor points pen - deletes anchor points convert click on anchor points with handles to remove them.
How can you utilize the layers palette in Illustrator?
Illustrator's layers allow you to simplify your work With layers, you can modify, edit, hide or delete one layer of content while the other layers remain intact.
How do you create a clipping mask in Adobe Illustrator?
You can make a clipping set from a selection of two or more objects or from all objects in a group or layer.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

journal post: week 5

For each of the 5 elements of design (shape, line, texture, space, value), find an example that utilizes each element within the design (Google search for poster design, advertisements, etc). You should have 5 DIFFERENT sample designs. 
For each, evaluate the design in 4 to 5 sentences. Label each with the appropriate element. Then, discuss how that particular element is used and how it enhances the design. 



Slanted ovals are used as legs to give it a modern feel. A triangle and a square a are used to make the boot. The last oval of the leg has a square edges to express that the are pants. The way that the legs are shaped suggest action as if the legs are walking.

The lines are loosely drawn in the background and on top of the photographs of the two main characters. the line towards the sun invite you in. Rough hand-drawn lines are given to the charters in their hair to add texture. The curved lines on the street comfort,safety,relaxation that the town they live in is a nice place. The lines enhance the design by adding texture as well as giving it happy indie feel.

stock photo : Wild West styled poster.Old Paper Texture On a old wooden boards.
This is an old time wanted western poster. The texture of the paper gives it an aged look.While the wood has an antique feel. The texture of the picture enhances the picture because without it the paper would just just plan and wouldn't give it a western feel. 


This image has both positive and negative space. The negative space is the red it is the area around the positive space.The positive space is the man with the french horn ears. Both the positive and the negative space appear to be just as equal.


This poster has dark tone overall.The dark tone creates the mood of the poster and describes the time of the scene.By using lighter tone behind the dark tone, the tone of poster also gives the sense of distance.

journal post: week 4

Why/how can icons be used to communicate?
Signs, symbols and icons are ways to represent a complete thought in a simple way.
Via the internet, find 2 examples of common icons that clearly communicate their message. Post both in this entry.
What is the difference between copyright and public domain?
Public Domain: copyright has been relinquished by owner, therefore containing no copyright. copy right: is a law that gives you ownership over the things you create.How can you avoid plagairism in this class? In other classes?
Document sources properly using Footnotes, Endnotes, or Parenthetical References, and must write a Bibliography, References, or Works Cited page and place it at the end of the research paper to list the sources used.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Podcast #1 Elements of Design

What does it take to create good graphic design?
A understanding a priciple

What is the difference between elements and principles?
Elements are components parts that can be isolted by any visual the actal things we add to a design principles tell us how we should orginize those elements on our page or screen

Name the six (6) elements of design.
1)line 2)shape or form 3)space 4) texture 5) vaule 6) color

What can lines aid in, when alone or combined with  other lines or shapes?
Readability apperance and message of the design

Which lines suggest a feeling of rest? Why do you think?
Horiizontal lines
It sratight across like laying down
Vertical lines communicate a feeling of what? Why do you think?
Loftiness gives it a moderen feel

What lines suggest a feeling of movement? Why do you think?
Diagonal It looks as if somethink can move up or down it
Soft, shallow curved lines suggest what? Why do you think?
Comfort,safety,relaxation it seems as if it is wraping around the other object

These lines suggest confusion and turbulence? Why do you think?
Deep acute curves its ges round and round like what you do when you are confused

What element defines a specific area of space?

What is the difference between two dimensional shapes and three dimensional shapes?
A two dimensional shape has width and height a three dimensional shape has depth as well as width and height

Describe the difference between geometric shapes and organic shapes?
Geomettic shapes are structured often symmetrical shapes organic shape are found in nature or  they cn be man made shaped they are irgular and fluid                       

What are abstract shapes?
Are stylized or simplified versions of natural shapes

Which basic shape projects an attitude of honesty or equality?

What do triangles suggest?

Circles convey feelings of what?
Protection or infinity

Describe positive space and negative space?
Postives space refers to the objects and elemnts used in a design is the area which contains all of the elements you have added to your design negative space refers to the shapes around and between those objects and elements white space gives a place for the to rest whivh is needed in order for the message your trying to communicate to be absorbed

What is texture?
Can refer to the actual surface of a design with the reader actuallly being able to feel the texture of the paper and materials in the printed design

Incorporating texture into a design can help do what?
Help create a feeling of richness and depth

What is value?
Is the degree of light and dark between black and white

What is another name for value?

What can the element of color do when incorporated into a design?
Create images attract atttention and identify objects 

Friday, September 2, 2011

intro goals

Why did you take this class?
I took this class because i thought it would be a good experience and I am looking around to see what i would like to do when i am older and i thought that graphic design could potenially be it.

What goals do you have for this class?
My goal for this class is to learn the soft and open my mind to graphic commucation.

EQ:week 3

State the first three Essential Questions and briefly answer each below the question.
1. why is it important to identify safety issues and to safely operate equipment utilized in the class room?
To make sure both the student is safe and the equipment does not get broken
2. How do interpersonal and employ ability skill effect both your everyday life and your future?
It effects your everyday life by being able to get your stuff done and how you will be able to get your job in the future.
3. what is graphic design and why is it important to communicate visually?
Graphic design is a creative process that combines art and technology to communicate ideas. It is important to communicate visually to express and get you point across in an image.

journal post: week 3

What is OSHA? What do the letters stand for?
 Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 it helps employers reduce on the job injuries,illnesses, and deaths
How can graphic designers effectively communicate? In your own words, explain the communication process.
By using picture and text as a way to communicate information

Understanding the history, culture and movements of fine and graphic arts will make you a better producer of visual messages. Why?
 you will be able to understand the image and what it involves and what was going on in that time or era