Tuesday, May 8, 2012

shepard fairey

Born in southern California in 1970, Shepard Fairey was heavily influenced by the growing punk rock and skateboarding lifestyle. He had little interest in skateboarding until his friend left his Born in southern California in 1970, Shepard Fairey was heavily influenced by the growing punk rock and skateboarding lifestyle. He had little interest in skateboarding until his friend left his skateboard over at his house one night. On his fourteenth birthday, Shepard Fairey's parents bought him a skateboard, which led Fairey to a world of “Thrasher Magazine”, the Sex Pistols and other punk rock/skateboarding influences. over at his house one night. On his fourteenth birthday, Shepard Fairey's parents bought him a skateboard, which led Fairey to a world of “Thrasher Magazine”, the Sex Pistols and other punk rock/skateboarding influences.

Born in southern California in 1970, Shepard Fairey was heavily influenced by the growing punk rock and skateboarding lifestyle. He had little interest in skateboarding until his friend left his skateboard over at his house one night. On his fourteenth birthday, Shepard Fairey's parents bought him a skateboard, which led Fairey to a world of “Thrasher Magazine”, the Sex Pistols and other punk rock/skateboarding influences.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

stationery package

printed pieces that a company utilizes for communication purposes
when establishing a business it is very important that all communications are well coordinated and tat the message of the organization is presented
included business card, letterhead, envelope
business card-part of stationery design make an immediate opinion about your company business card does more than tell people how to find you: it say something about your company its mission, its culture and, its goal everything from colors, fonts ,texture, shade, and gloss
typically includes:
company name
employee name
phone number
fax number
email address
company address wed address
design tips:
must be 2''x3.5''
horizontal or vertical orientation check for accuracy
check for unity
letterhead-a printed piece of paper used to send letters, memos,etc.
typically incudes:
company name
company address
phone number
fax number
web adress
 design tips:
must be vertical orientation
must have room to write
check for accuracy
check for unity
the packaging contains letter/form when being mailed
standard 10
company name
company address
design tip
horizontal or vertical
must leave room for recipient
address and stamp
check for accuracy

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


logotype-a graphic mark or emblem commonly used by commercial enterprises organizations and even individuals to aid and promote instant public recognition
most commonly referred to as LOGO
numerous inventions and techniques have contributed to the contemporary logo....including logo graphics languages,such as Egyptian hieroglyphics
cats of arms,watermarks and the development of the printing technology
as the industrial revolution developed in the 18th and 19th centuries,photography and lithography contributed to the boom of an advertising industry that integrated typography and imagery together on the page
as the time topography itself was undergoing a revolution of form and expression that expanded beyond the modest serif typefaces used in books
the art were expanding in purpose from expression and decoration of an artistic story telling nature to a different of brands and products that the growing middle classes were consuming
consultancies and trades groups in the commercial arts were growing and organizing by 1890 the US had 700 lithographic printing firms employing more than 8000 people
playful children books authoritative newspapers and conversational periodicals developed their ow visual and editorial styles for unique expanding audiences
as printing cost decreased literacy rates increased and visual styles changed the victorian decorative arts lead to an expansion of typographic styles and methods of representing businesses
by 1950 modernism has shed its roots as an avant grade artistic movement
the visual simplicity and conceptual clarity that were hallmarks of modernism as an artistic movement
less is more proved successful in the era of mass visual communications
important area of graphic design
logo are meant to represent companies brands or corporate identities and foster their immediate customer
real life situations do not stare at and analyze logo
see quick and glance
5 principles of logo design 

  • simple 
  • timeless 
  • versatile 
  • appropriate
 makes a logo design easily recognizable versatile and memorable good logo feature something unexpected or unique without being overdrawn
following closely on this principle of simplicity is that memorability. an effective logo design should be memorable 
works across a variety of media and applications 
how you position the logo should be appropriate for it attended audience
four color process vs spot color
four color-reproduces all colors of the spectrum when mixed in proper proportion(CMYK)
spot color- method of specifying and printing colors in which each color is printed with its own ink is effective when the printed matter contains only one to three different colors but it becomes more expensive for more colors(pantone matching system)
color can illicit different emotions feeling and emotions
color may vary expending on age,gender,and cultural demographics
Three types of logos 
combination mark- graphics with both text and symbol/icon
iconic symbol-icons and symbols are compelling yet uncomplicated images that are emblematic of a particular company or product.they use imagery that conveys a literal or abstract representation.
word mark/lettermark-incorporates your company or brand name into a uniquely styled font

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Early Computers | 1930s - 1980s AD

What is an abacus?
An oblong frame with rows of wires or grooves along which beads are slid and it's used for calculating.

In 1936, Zuse invented this type of computer?
Freely programmable computer

Post a photo of the 1944 Mark Computer.

In 1944, Aiken and Hopper designed the Mark Series of computers to be used for what?
It was used by the US Navy for ballistic and gunnery

Post a photo of the UNIVAC Computer.
In 1951, Eckert and Mauchly designed the first commercial computer for whom?
Census Bureau

What does UNIVAC stand for?

Universal automatic computer

In 1953, IBM enters the scene. What does IBM stand for?
International business machines

What is FORTRAN?
IBM mathematical formula translating system

Post a photo of the first mouse.

In 1964, how did Engelbart change the way computers worked?
Made them a more user-friendly tool

What is the significance of ARPnet?
It was the first Internet developed to protect the flow of information between military installations by creating a network of geographically separated computers.

In 1971, Intel introduced this?

First single chip microprocessor: Intel 4004

Post a photo of it.

In the same year, IBM introduced this?
Post a photo of one.
First "memory disk" often called the "floppy disk"

In 1973, Metcalf and Xerox created this?
First Ethernet computer network

During the next several years, the first consumer computers were marketed.

Post photos of the Altair, Apple I, Apple II, TRS-80, Commodore PET. Label each.

Apple I
Apple II

Commodore PET

In 1981, Bill Gates and Microsoft introduced this package?
MS-DOS computer operating system which was packaged with the IBM PC

Post a photo of the Lisa computer.

In 1983, who introduced the Lisa computer?

What is GUI?
Graphical User Interface

Post a photo of the computer mentioned below.
In 1984, a more affordable home computer was introduced. Name the computer and the company that marketed it?
Apple Macintosh Computer from Apple

The commercial only ran one time. When?
In 1984

In response to the Apple GUI, Gates and Microsoft introduced this?
Windows operating system

Two men are known for their development of the Apple I computer. Who are they?
Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniack

When was the internet that we know, world wide web, developed and introduced?
In 1991

Over the years, Apple has included "easter eggs" within their software. What is an "easter egg"?
Secret hidden messages and icons within their software

Search for easter eggs in Photoshop and Illustrator. List a few in this post ... and try to find them in the applications.
In Photoshop, a Merlin images came as well as a space monkey, and some jokes. In Illustrator, fun facts and the number of days until Christmas.

Where do you think computers will take us in the next 10 years?
I think computers will help the world become more connected and technologically advance us by perhaps helping us store data more efficiently, finding research materials faster

Photography | 1839 - 1960s AD

Until the 1880s, how were news stories illustrated?
In engravings or woodcuts

What is a camera obscura?

It's an optical device that projects an image of its surroundings onto a screen

Post an example of a camera obscura.

How did scholars and artists utilize the camera obscure?
Scholars use it for the safe observation of solar eclipses and the phases of the moon. Artists used it to trace the outside of scenes and paint or draw them.

From where did the photographic camera develop?
Camera obscura

Who first used the term "photography"? Where was is derived from?

Sir John Hershel; Greek words of "light" and "writing"

Post an the first photograph.

Who is credited with making the first successful photograph?
Joseph Niepce

Post an example of a Daguerreotype image.

Who invented the Daguerreotype process? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the process?

Louis Daguerre; advantages are that they could be made permanent by soaking them in salt. Disadvantages were that they could not be copied and were expensive

Post an example of a Calotype image.

Who invented the Calotype process? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the process?

William Fox Talbot; advantages were that it produced negative images and unlimited amounts of duplicates could be made. Disadvantages were that quality was inferior to the striking images produced by the Daguerrotype process.

Post an example of a Wet Collodion Process image.

Who invented the Wet Collodion process? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the process?

Frederick Scott Archer; advantages were that it reduced exposure to two or three seconds and the cost was significantly less than the other processes. Disadvantages were that plates had to be exposed and developed immediately when they were still wet.

Post an example of a Dry Plate Process image.

Who invented the Dry Plate process? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the process?
Richard Maddox; advantages were that it used gelatin instead of glass and the glass plates were coated in gelatin. Disadvantages were that photography at this point were still too complicated for the public.

Who is George Eastman? What company did he establish?

He invented roll film which is a photographic medium that replaced the fragile glass plates with a photo-emulsion coated on paper rolls. He established Kodak.

Post an example of The Kodak Camera from 1888.

In 1888, he produced a camera that use his flexible roll film. How did he make this camera/photography accessible to the public?

He introduced the Brownie in 1900 for one dollar.

What is Edwin Land best known for? What company did he establish?

He patented polarize light filters in 1934 and he had instant photography in 1948. He established Polaroid.

Post a photo of the first Polaroid camera.

How long did the first Polaroid camera take to produce a photo?

60 seconds (1 minute)

What was Eadweard Muybridge known for?

He was known for his work using multiple cameras to capture motion.

Post a photo of the Zoopraxiscope.

What is the Zoopraxiscope?

A device used to project a series of images in successive phases of motion

Post a photo of Muybridge's horse in motion.

How did Muybridge settle the debate and photograph a horse in motion?
He used a series of large cameras placed in a line that were each triggered by a thread as the horse passed by.

In 1880s, the development of the motion picture camera allowed this?
Individual images to be captured and stored on a single film reel

Post a photo of a motion picture projector

What is a motion picture projector?
It's a device to shine a light through the film and magnify a moving picture on a screen for an audience.

The Linotype Machine | 1886 AD"

Who is credited with the invention of the typewriter? Christopher Sholes.

What is a "stenographer"?
Post an example of Shole's typewriter.

Why did Sholes send a prototype of his typewriter to Clephane?
when beginning to pursue commercial development, he realized stenographers would be among the first and most important users.

After the typewriter began production, why did Clephane pursue another machine?
it solved only part of his problem, it still took long to typeset and copy the words. bridge the gap between the typewriter and the printed page.

Who spent a year redesigning Clephane's typesetting machine?

What is meant by "typesetting"?
commercially successful

Post an example of Linotype Machine.

How does the Linotype Machine differ from the typewriter?
allowed type to be set mechanically rather than by hand

How did this machine change the newspaper industry?making it possible for a small nimber of operators to set type for more pages on a daily basis.

Post an example of a Linotype keyboard.

How did the keyboard of the Linotype Machine differ from keyboards that we use today?
  • 90 charcter keyboard
  • there was no shift key
  • therefore, uppercase letters has separate keys from lowercase letters.
  • the arrangement of keys was based on letter frequency.
Post an example of a Linotype slug.

What is a slug?the assembled line of type is then cast as a single piece

Post an example of a person operating a Linotype Machine.

Why is the Linotype Machine the greatest advanced in printing since movable type?
allowed for faster typesetting than by hand

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Gutenberg Press | 1450 AD"

What is Johannes Gutenberg credited with?with inventing the technology of printing with moveable type 
Post a photo of the Gutenberg Press.

How did the printing press work?
ink was rilled over the raised surface of moveable hand set block letters held within a wooden form form was pressed against a sheet of paper
What motivated Gutenberg to find a better way of creating books?
spending time with his father at the mint watching goldsmith and jewelers his love for reading
Why did Gutenberg experiment with metal type versus wood type?
woodcuts were not durable they would split after repeated use new blocks had to be carved for each new impression 
Post an example of movable type in a type case.

What is moveable type?
the system of printing that users moveable components reproduce the element of a document
What is a matrix?
hard metal punch is hammered into a softer copper bar
What ink did Gutenberg develop that he used specifically for the printing press?
oil based ink
What is paper made from? Where did paper originate?
wood pulp 105 AD in china
What is a "substrate"?
a part
Who did Gutenberg seek to help with the invention of the press? 
Close to the end of the 5 years, what happened? 
peter Schoffer he sold a bible that was way cheaper than usual 

What was the first book he printed?Post an example of this book.
the bible 
How did the Gutenberg Press impact communication?
built a press completly from cast iron.
Post an example of a 1930s printing press.

  • perfected script and made it easier to read
  • books made more rapidly
  • current information could be shared locally and around the world.
  • book trade began to flourish, as well as industries such as papermaking.
  • economies became stronger.
  • Art and science began to fourish which led to the beginning of the renaissance.
Who introduced the printing press to England?
William Caxton
What was the early form of newspapers?
trade newsletters
When was the first news weekly published? What was it called?
1704, the Boston Letter

What kind of press was built in the US in the mid 1800s?
By the late 1930s, presses had increased in efficiency and were capable of 2,500 to 3,500 impressions per hour. 

What is meant by "impression"?presses made
Which printing process is the Gutenberg press an example of? Briefly describe the process?
Relief Printing: movable type is placed into the press. ink is spread onto the type. paper in pladed on top. the press applies the direct pressure needed to tranfer the ink to the paper.

Post an example of an intaglio press.

What is intaglio printing and how is ink transferred?or printmaking, image area it eched into the plate surface to hold the ink, ink is applied, then rubbed with a cloth to remove the excess. damp paper is placed on top. a press applies pressure to transfer the ink to the paper.
Post an example of a screen (porous) printing press.

What is porous printing and how is ink transferred?basic stencil process. image carrier is attached o a screen. ink is forced through open meash areas
Post an example of a lithography printing press.

What is lithography and how is ink transferred?or planographic, printing from a flat surface. drawing or artwork, is made on the plate with greasy ink or crayon. water is applied. when ink is spread on top, the greasy parts accept the ink, the wet parts to not.

Post an example of a offset lithography printing press.

What variation of lithography is used by the commercial printing industry today?offset lithography
How do printing presses used today compare to the Gutenberg Press?
very different
Describe four-color process printing using CMYK?

cyan, magenta, yellow, and black